Social Sparks: Build A Successful Social Media Business
Cate Scolnik
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Content Creation Hack #2: How to Hack the Facebook Algorithm.
• 9 minI'm sure you've heard the rumours. How the Facebook algorithm is out to get business owners. How content reach is down and it's not worth posting. But that's not true. The fact is that the algorithm is out to HELP you – if you know how to use it right. There’s one underlying thing that the algorithm aims to do, and if you have the same mission then you’re golden! You don’t want to miss: How Top Gear Can Help You Hack the Facebook AlgorithmSimple Strategies to Spy On Your Audience and Discover What They’re ThinkingHow to Boost Your Best Content on Facebook Organically Resources mentioned: Top Gear TV show How to Create Charismatic Content (Episode 17 of Social Sparks) Beautiful Business Launch: Your simple action plan to get your social media business up and running, beautifully! No overwhelm. No fluff. And no theory. Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my content marketing lessons, coming up soon. And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review. Thank you!
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