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Automobile Club of Southern California



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Has Social Media Ruined Travel? With JoAnna Haugen and B.A. Van Sise

• 31 min

Do you often wonder how much social media is in the driver's seat of your travel experience? In the era of influencers and our ever-greater accessibility to travel, it’s essential to ask ourselves about the role of social media. It affects everything, from our choices about where to go, what to see, where to stay, to perhaps most importantly, how we document our experiences for others to see. As the creators of these stories, we bear a certain amount of responsibility to those we inspire and to the communities we visit and promote. So, how do we travel responsibly and respectfully in the social media age? Today, Angie Orth welcomes two industry experts to answer some important questions about social media and travel. JoAnna Haugen is a writer, speaker, and passionate advocate for sustainable and responsible travel. B.A. Van Sise is an author and photographer who focuses on the relationship between language and imagery. You’ll hear thoughtful perspectives about how travel has changed (or not?) since the arrival of social media. You’ll hear stories about communities and “Instagram hotspots” that have been affected, and even how lives have been lost. You’ll also hear thoughts on what this technology adds to our travels. For better or for worse, social media seems to be perpetually along for the ride. If you feel like it might be time to reclaim your experiences from the grips of this social behemoth, but you don’t necessarily want to go off-grid, then this episode will provide some thought-provoking answers. What You’ll Learn: ●     An example of how social media has changed our travel experiences (2:57)●     How social media contributes to over-tourism (7:39)●     Reclaiming your travel experiences from the grasp of technology (13:20)●     The pros of cons of social media from an artist's perspective (19:55)●     What we miss out on when technology and travel collide (27:45) Connect with JoAnna Haugen:Website: ( with B.A. Van Sise:Website: ( with Angie Orth:Website + Blog: with AAA:LinkedIn: ( ( ( with AAA Podcast: your next vacation with AAA: 

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