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Jump Start Your Joy

Paula Jenkins



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The Top 3 Reflections of 300 Episodes (and 7 Years) of Podcasting

• 25 min

It's episode 300!! I'm sharing my top 3 reflections of having a podcast (and a business) over the past 7 years. Hear stories about staying inspired, how to remain consistent, why just starting is the hardest, and all about the magic of trying new things. Thank you to YOU for tuning in, for sharing JSYJ with others, and for bringing joy into the world. I am sending you love, and wishes for comfort and joy. Over the past 300 episodes, I've had some learnings and find myself reflecting on them. Here's what I know to be true: 1. Just start.  Whatever it is that you're longing to do, take that first baby step. The first step is always the hardest, and it's often the thing that keeps us from moving towards our purpose and our dreams. Recognize that it's likely fear that's holding you back, and that fear just wants to keep you safe. That doesn't always serve you, or your dreams. And, if you're already doing "the thing," you might find yourself dragging your feet to take future steps. Sometimes I dread editing my own show, but once I sit down, open the editing software, and get starting I love it, just like I always do. Procrastination is a dream killer. Get your momentum going by just starting. 2. Consistency. Consistency is about more than posting on a regular schedule. It's about the timing, about what you share, about the core of your message, it's about alignment between yourself and your business. It's also about showing up for yourself, and for your audience (or your customer, because consistency plays a role in product based businesses too), so they know when and where to find you. When I started I took the advice of Pat Flynn about remaining consistent with my podcast. In this episode, I also share a story about meeting Lewis Howes, and how that impacted my first year of podcasting.  Consistency becomes easier when you're aligned across the board with what you love, what you do, what you talk about, and what feels right for your and your business or show. 3. Try New Things (or, living out "Well Planned, Loosely Held") When I started my show, and made the commitment to try it out for a whole year before making a decision on if I wanted to continue, my fried Christine Petty asked me the beautiful question of "imagine what is possible when you say yes to something for a year?" Her words have continued to inspire me, as they speak to the never ending possibilities that are out there when you say yes to your dreams.  "Going off script" is another part of trying new things, and something that Andrea Scher shared about in episode 299. In her brand new book, "Wonder Seeker," Andrea talks about the idea of trying something brand new, and out of the ordinary and seeing what happens. In playing with my format for this show over the past 7 years, I have literally learned to go off script. I started with writing every solo episode out in its entirety. I no longer do this.  In your show, or your blog, business, or life - find ways to keep things fresh. You can always keep with the core idea, and try on new "seasons," which offer a different way to look at a topic you've stuck with for a long time.  Thank you all for tuning in! I have such deep appreciation for you, and wish you so much love, comfort, and joy.  Resources: Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income Lewis Howes' School of Greatness Podcast Matthew Wood on Jump Start Your Joy Amy Bernhardt of Mimi's Little Loveys on Jump Start Your Joy The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte Free Her Spirit Podcast by Christine Petty Andrea Scher on Jump Start Your Joy Wonder Seeker by Andrea Scher  

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