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Veterinary Innovation Podcast

Veterinary Innovation Podcast



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Dr. Brett Shorenstein | Veterinary Innovative Partners

• 19 min

This week, Shawn Wilkie and Dr. Ivan Zak chat with Dr. Brett Shorenstein, a practicing veterinarian and co-founder of Veterinary Innovative Partners, a network of veterinarian-owned-and-operated hospitals, about how they focus on positive workplace culture, high standards of care, and the use of technology to enhance efficiency and reduce burnout. Dr. Shorenstein introduces Viva, a new mentorship program offering structured support and personalized training for new veterinarians.   Learn more about the Viva mentorship program. Discover how innovations can increase efficiency with the Vet Tech Development Program. Dr Brett Shorenstein recommends “Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” by Simon Sinek.

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