The Physician's Guide To Financial Wellness
Trent DeBruin, Andrew Musbach
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Lump Sum of Cash to Invest – All at Once or Gradually?
• 20 minIt’s not uncommon to find yourself in a situation where you have a lump sum of cash (from selling a home, an inheritance, savings having built up in the bank, etc.) that you want to invest but are having trouble deciding whether to do it all at once or in a gradual manner. It can be easy to get hung up on this decision, especially if you don’t fully understand the pros and cons and each approach and how they apply to your situation. And in fact, the uncertainty can often become enough of a roadblock that it leads to inaction and that money just sitting there (or even continuing to pile up as you save more). Therefore, this episode is dedicated to sharing some perspective for how to think through the decision and decide which approach is right for you. Resources & People Mentioned Podcast episode #3: The 80:20 Rule of Investing Podcast episode #19: The “Other 20%” of Successful Investing Podcast episode #30: How to Manage the Emotions of Investing Download our guide: The Toolkit for Optimizing Your Finances as an Employed Physician Download our guide: The Financial Checkup Connect With Trent and Andrew Follow on LinkedIn Follow on Facebook Subscribe to The Physician’s Guide To Financial Wellness on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Google Podcast
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