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Amanda E. White



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Olivia Rodrigo Therapy: Anger in Women & How to Process It

• 45 min

Obsessed with Olivia's new album too? Same! More than just the music, this week I talk about how this album is a powerful outlet for women to deal with their anger. I discuss how Olivia managed to escape the Disney bad girl reputation and how she is giving herself and as a result, all of us, permission to feel our feelings, including anger, rage, embarrassment, jealousy and more! I talk at length about the song, "All American B*tch" and how it is an overarching theme of the album, what my favorite lines are and how it perfectly captures the double bind that women are placed in. I explore how women's anger is unique, how women (especially women of color) are not given space to feel angry and how we may end up suppressing it and harming ourselves. I also discuss the data of how women are angrier on average these days than men and why that is. Finally, I spend the last ten minutes of the episode answering listening questions about anger, how to deal with it in a healthy way, why you don't need to force yourself to be angry and the predisposition of anger. If you have a question you want answered be sure to CALL the hotline: 813-444-8683 To get more Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift and all other song breakdowns and bonus episodes, sign up for my patreon-- If you are interested in therapy or learning more about my practice, Therapy for Women Center, visitĀ We currently serve 27 states virtually and have three physical office locations in the Philadelphia area. To suggest a topic, buy my books, or get in touch please visitĀ Keep up with me on instagram and TikTok by following @therapyforwomen. Research Links,angry%20with)%20resolve%20the%20situation

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