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Real Estate Investing with Keith Weinhold



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How to Build Generational Wealth

• 41 min

The wealth of families often dissipates to zero within a generation or two.  Learn about the Vanderbilt family’s downfall and how you can avoid these mistakes. Have an estate plan. I explain the difference between a will and a trust. I introduce you to my friend Michael Manthei.  A regular GRE listener, Michael and his wife bought 55 units within 4 years and acquired $85,000 of annual real estate income. He thinks about generational wealth as: income, taxes and inflation, giving, faith, service, preserving stories, character, physical health, and that your family is a treasure. Learn the difference between inheritance and generational wealth. Today, Michael runs the Elevate Investing Group. His upcoming event, Generational Wealth 2023, is August 18th-19th, 2023 in Lancaster, PA. Register here. I’ve never heard of an event like this. Multiple generations of one family will tell you how they did it. Resources mentioned: Show Notes: Michael’s transformational event: Generational Wealth 2023 Build a trust or will fast: Get mortgage loans for investment property: or call 855-74-RIDGE  or e-mail: Find cash-flowing Jacksonville property at: Invest with Freedom Family Investments. You get paid first: Text ‘FAMILY’ to 66866 Will you please leave a review for the show? I’d be grateful. Search “how to leave an Apple Podcasts review”  Top Properties & Providers: Best Financial Education: Get our wealth-building newsletter free— text ‘GRE’ to 66866 Our YouTube Channel: Follow us on Instagram: @getricheducation Keith’s personal Instagram: @keithweinhold   Complete episode transcript:   Keith Weinhold (00:00:00) - Welcome to G R E. I'm your host, Keith Weinhold. How do you build generational wealth? How do you keep it and how do you pass it on so that it stays within your family for generations? Part of this is today's conversation with A G R E listener that's doing something that I've never heard of anyone else doing today on Get Rich Education.   Speaker 0 (00:00:22) - Taxes are your biggest expense. The best way to reduce your burden is real estate. Increase your income with amazing returns and reduce your taxable income with real estate write-offs. As an employee with a high salary, you are devastated by taxes. Lighten your tax burden. With real estate incentives. You can offset your income from a W2 job and from capital gains Freedom. Family Investments is the experience partner you've been looking for. The Real Estate Insider Fund is that vehicle, this fund investing real estate projects that make an impact. And you can join with as little as $50,000. Insiders get preferred returns of 10 to 12%. This means you get paid first. Insiders enjoy Castle on a quarterly basis and the tax benefits are life changing. Join the Freedom Family and become a real estate insider. Start on your path to financial freedom through passive income. Text family to 66866. This is not a solicitation and is for accredited investors only. Please text family to 66866 for complete details.   Speaker 3 (00:01:31) - You are listening to the show that is created more financial freedom than nearly any show in the world. This is Get Rich Education.   Speaker 0 (00:01:54) - Welcome to GRE from Weehawkin, New Jersey to Weed, California and across 188 nations worldwide. I'm Keith Wein Holden. This is Get Rich Education. Shortly we will hear from a GRE listener that's an engaged real estate investor and is having an unusually large impact on other people with generational wealth. Soil has profound effects on the type of agriculture that's possible and therefore soil has had profound effects on the kinds of societies that have been historically possible going back 12,000 years since the advent of agriculture. So productive and irritable soil is what made real estate valuable. A pattern of farms that are passed down through this same family for generations. Well, that's something that's possible in fertile regions, but not in regions where the soil is exhausted in a few years and has to be abandoned. And a new site found while the first site recovers its fertility.   Speaker 0 (00:02:55) - Whole societies had to move when the land in any given location cannot permanently sustain them. Therefore, cities couldn't even be built or contemplated. So then when you have bad soil, you can't have anything that lasts. And if you can't plant your family's principles, call them seeds in fertile soil, which is my metaphor for having moral and cultural standards, well then you can't build generational wealth either. You won't have anything that lasts very far beyond your one finite life. And as society advanced, we have more historic examples about families that built and have still capped their fortune today after several generations like the Rockefellers or families that have built and squandered their fortune like the Vanderbilts. And how that started is that really the Vanderbilts have been heralded as American royalty. The icons of the Gilded Age and that rich history all started with Cornelius Vanderbilt, Cornelius.   Speaker 0 (00:04:09) - He's the one that started to amass the family fortune from railroads in shipping businesses in the late 18 hundreds. He became the wealthiest person in America in the 1860s and then he went to pass that title down to his son William Henry Vanderbilt. And then he became the wealthiest American during the 1870s and 1880s. But it began to fall apart with William. Yep, just one generation later. The second generation, one generation after the wealth builder Cornelius and then Gloria Vanderbilt was born. Her father had a gambling problem and squandered most of his fortune. There was also overspending on frequent international travel. So Gloria, the granddaughter of the one that started the Fortune Cornelius, she herself would go on to have four sons each from different marriages. One of her four sons is prominent in American society today, and it might surprise you when I reveal his identity shortly by the time of glory, Vanderbilt's passing, okay, her estate had dwindled from $200 million down to just one and a half million dollars.   Speaker 0 (00:05:25) - So from wealthy to almost middle class right there, her New York apartment was bestowed to one of her sons. Two of her other sons remained estranged and only one of her four sons inherited the majority of the estate. And that person is none other than the, I guess, somewhat esteemed broadcast journalist and author Anderson Cooper. So you can see in the Vanderbilt family how that fertile soil broke down culturally and became in fertile to build something that lasts. You need that fertile soil. There's more than just a cultural component to creating generational wealth. I mean, first of all, of course you need to build the wealth in the first place by listening to this show. You're either on your way there or you're already there. And that means they focus on things that most people don't do. It's places, frankly, a lot of people just don't even look or consider like getting lots of smart debt for leverage or being inflation aware, being tax savvy and owning assets that pay you while you hold onto them.   Speaker 0 (00:06:33) - There's also a legal component here. I am not a tax or legal advisor or professional. So just super briefly in one minute and in plain English you need to have an estate plan. Step one is have a will. That is like a letter that you write before you pass away. Really that's all a will is if you have possessions that you want to go to a certain place, even if you're only 20 years old or if you're 80 years old and you have say a car and a little money or pets, then have a will. You can write a rock solid will really cheaply start at a place like trust and Then after a will understand a revocable trust, that's a special account where you put your assets like money in real estate while you are still alive. And the key to the word revocable is that you can cancel or change it any time you want to.   Speaker 0 (00:07:34) - When you pass away, things go to your beneficiaries, your heirs, without the annoying probate process in court. Okay, that's a revocable trust. And why have a will versus a trust? Well, there are a few reasons, but if you have less than a million dollar net worth though, then that first step, the will, that's probably going to suffice for what you need. But if it's a million plus, then it's more likely the trust. So really there are two main trust types. I touched on the re revocable trust. Now the irrevocable trust, that's something you cannot change once you set it up. It is rigid, not flexible. Well then why would you set up an irrevocable trust if you can't change it? Well, it can protect you from taxes, lawsuits, and creditors in certain situations. So that is the quick one minute on basic estate planning wills and trusts, yes, there is far more to know like beneficiary designations and durable power of attorney.   Speaker 0 (00:08:37) - But look, here's the thing and the motivation for you devoting sometime to estate planning like that. If you die, you can be assured that your family won't squabble over dividing up your assets if you get that in place and you sure don't want that because they're already gonna be broken up about you passing away. You'll want your generational wealth to pass on in a planned way and also wills and trusts. That's the way that your family locates your assets in the first place. Today you'll see how our guests and his wife hit financial freedom when they had $85,000 worth of real estate income and note that that was seven years ago. So therefore on an inflation adjusted basis, that might be say 110 K or 120 K in

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