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Real Estate Investing with Keith Weinhold



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Why I Rejected my Grandpa's Advice, RE Market Heats Up in Florida

• 34 min

Grandpa told me to save money and buy a fixer-upper. What about paying off my mortgage ASAP? Learn why I rejected it all. Changing attitudes towards debt and savings began with high inflation in the 1970s.  I compare global home prices and their changes since 2010.  Projects for $300K starter homes are going extinct in America. Keith Weinhold and Naresh Vissa describe the upcoming webinar for new-build properties in Florida—single-family homes up to fourplexes.  It will offer incentives that are even better than the 2% closing cost cash and two years of free property management. Join next week’s Florida properties live event at: Resources mentioned: Show Notes: Sign up for our Florida webinar next week: World Housing Prices Since 2010: $300K Starter Homes Going Extinct: Get mortgage loans for investment property: or call 855-74-RIDGE  or e-mail: Find cash-flowing Jacksonville property at: Will you please leave a review for the show? I’d be grateful. Search “how to leave an Apple Podcasts review”  Top Properties & Providers: Best Financial Education: Get our wealth-building newsletter free—text ‘GRE’ to 66866 Our YouTube Channel: Follow us on Instagram: @getricheducation Keith’s personal Instagram: @keithweinhold   **Speaker 1** (00:00:01) - Welcome to GRE! I'm your host, Keith Weinhold, learn why I rejected my grandpa's advice about debt and real estate. Global home prices have surged not just since 2020, but really for the last decade plus. How does America compare to the world there? Then the real estate market heats up in Florida. All today on Get Rich Education, **Speaker 2** (00:00:28) - You are listening to the show that has created more financial freedom than nearly any show in the world. This is Get Rich Education.   **Speaker 1** (00:00:51) - Hey, welcome to GRE from England's White Cliffs of Dover to Dover, Delaware, and across 188 nations worldwide. I'm Keith Wein. Hold. This is Get Rich Education. The fact that you want to get lots of good real estate debt, even now that real estate interest rates are off their all time lows from a couple years ago and really most all interest rates. You know, I think to the lay person, it is one of those things that is easy to understand and yet hard to accept to get more debt. Since Americans have near record equity levels. Now, not enough people even ask where that equity came from. I mean, look, you probably don't have a big equity chunk in your home because you paid it down. You have fat equity in your home because it increased in value. Yeah, that's leverage, which was brought into existence by debt. Now lay people can understand that, but yet it's hard to accept that truth.   **Speaker 3** (00:01:59) - What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points. And may God have mercy on your soul.   **Speaker 1** (00:02:26) - . Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's from an old school movie, Billy Madison from 1995. But did you ever get a reaction or a look like that when you shared abundantly minded G R E principles with them? , debt free doesn't make sense. The wealthiest people have the most debt. The wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world has the most debt. But some people will still clinging to old ways of thinking. They'll rationalize that debt is bad now because we'll say interest rates aren't as low as they used to be. All right, true. Well, also on the flip side, debt is better when inflation is high because it debases that debt. Inflation and interest rates tend to move in lockstep. So therefore, weather interest rates are high or low. That line of thinking cancels out. And of course, 10 is keep debasing your debt by paying down your principle for you no matter how inflation and interest rates are moving.   **Speaker 1** (00:03:27) - And this all plays into how I was taught to think about money myself growing up, including the influence of my own grandfather. And I would go on to reject my grandpa's advice as a kid. Grandpa told me to save money. You certainly heard that growing up when I was about 20, I was visiting my grandparents on college break. And I still remember when grandpa told me that when it's time for me to buy my first house, I should buy a fixer upper. And though he never told me this next thing, he probably would've encouraged me to pay off your mortgage fast. I bet he would've said that one. Well, he meant well. And though I didn't deliberately spur him, I have gone on to disregard all of my late grandpa's financial guidance. He was a great guy. Grandpa served in a war. He and grandma raised my mom and uncle in a small, simple farmhouse on a 13 acre farm in rural Berks County, Pennsylvania.   **Speaker 1** (00:04:31) - And besides raising livestock and growing crops, he was an electrician by trade. He was an even tempered guy with a wiry frame. And grandpa taught me how to fish for bass in their small farm pond, all with his usual thin smile. And he had a wooden trademark kind of toothpick, pursed between his lips a lot of times. But see, grandpa was born and raised in a pre 1971 world. His concept of money was shaped before Nixon deg the dollar from the gold standard. And as we know, inflation ran rampant after Nixon D pegged the dollar from gold. And then in the 1980s, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, they began to sharply manipulate the way that the consumer price index that had line inflation figure is calculated. They used waiting tricks and other tricks to make the soaring inflation figure appear smaller than reality. Well, I was born and raised in a post 1971 world, so rather than focus on saving money, I want to get out of dollars before they're debased by inflation.   **Speaker 1** (00:05:42) - I never bought a fixer upper home though I truly admire grandpa for it. I didn't have the D iy, an electrical skillset that he did that just didn't come naturally to me. And now admittedly, and at its worst, maybe you can say that I'm part of the reason that Americans are less resourceful, or rather, perhaps American life is better. Or maybe it's that with progress, we're all specialists. Now I'd rather pay more for a home that's already new or renovated This way I spend my time, that zero sum game resource of time. I can spend that on my best and highest use and not texturing drywall and not hanging cabinets and not laying tile. I borrow dollars, not save them on rentals, both tenants and inflation payback the debt. So inflation flips dollars upside down, and grandpa might not believe how iconoclastic I sound. Now, the heresy today, I borrow invest and own assets that create residual cash flow.   **Speaker 1** (00:06:53) - And I would even spend dollars in some cases before they're debased. And along the way, I provide contractors and service providers with work. I employ an ongoing property manager and I provide families with good housing. I doubt the grandpa knew about how debt compounds the power of financial leverage. There's something good to be said for hard work, you know? And my grandfather showed me that on the farm, maintaining the tractor, loading the coal bin, harvesting crops and feeding the chickens. I mean, dude was amazing. He was like the showy otani of skillset diversification. But the world changed over the long term. Today's abundance mindset beats grandpa's grind. I love him for wanting the best for me. Grandpa never wavered on that. Ultimately, really, he equipped me to learn what's best for me and what's best for others. And I know I'm preaching to the choir here because our Instagram stories poll about paid off properties.   **Speaker 1** (00:07:58) - It asked you this question, which one do you prefer to pay off your home A S A P, or to leverage up and don't pay it off? Okay? How do you think that result went? Well, the percent that said pay off your home ASAP P was only 16. And those that said leverage up and don't pay it off is 84%. Yeah, you get it. 84% would rather leverage up and keep borrowing against it rather than pay it off your own home is some of the best debt you can get low rates, fixed rates along payback period, and you can legally kind of reneg and go get a lower rate when they fall as well. And mortgage terms are not quite as good on your rental properties, but they are still advantageous when you go compare that. And you know, really another way to think about it is, if you've got a 500 K home, why would you tie up 500 K in your home?   **Speaker 1** (00:09:05) - You could perhaps have just 100 K tied up in that home or in that rental property. Now, I've talked to you before about how many advanced world economies, foreign nations, they have house prices that vastly exceed prices in the United States. Canada's home prices are almost fully doubled that of us home prices right now. Well, I've got some great stats here. They are sourced by the bank for international settlements on not the international house prices this time, but how those prices have changed since 2010. Okay? So what we're looking at here is 2010 all the way up through Q2 of last year. So 2010 all the way up to the middle of last year. And these are all inflation adjusted. So we're talking about a change in real prices. US property was up 63% in that time, basically about the last 12 years.

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