The Do Gooders Podcast
Christin Thieme
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184 State of Recovery: Understanding the neuroscience of addiction with Dr. Judy Grisel
• 27 minWe see stats about addiction. We see substance abuse portrayed in film and in TV shows. We might even know someone who’s personally faced addiction to drugs or alcohol. But most of us don't really understand what causes addiction, and why our brains respond the way they do to drugs. Dr. Judy Grisel has made it her life’s work to unravel the mysteries of addiction, striving to uncover its root causes. A distinguished behavioral neuroscientist whose expertise spans the fields of pharmacology and genetics, Dr. Grisel's groundbreaking research draws from her insights into addiction. These insights aren’t just academic though; they're also deeply personal. Dr. Grisel's journey has been shaped by her own experience with addiction, which has given her a unique vantage point on the subject. Her passion for understanding the neuroscience behind addiction led her to deliver a powerful TED Talk titled “Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction,” which captivated audiences around the world. She wrote a book of the same name. With a career dedicated to advancing our understanding of addiction, Dr. Grisel is on the show to share her knowledge, insights and research findings, shedding light on this complex and often stigmatized topic. EPISODE SHOWNOTES: Read more. BE AFFIRMED. Get the Good Words email series. WHAT’S YOUR CAUSE? Take our quiz. STUDY SCRIPTURE. Get inside the collection. BE INSPIRED. Follow us on Instagram. FIGHT FOR GOOD. Give to The Salvation Army.
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