The Do Gooders Podcast
Christin Thieme
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148 State of Hunger: How The Salvation Army Is Responding with Captain Angel Amézquita
• 19 minWe’re kicking off our state of the issues series today with the state of hunger. According to the USDA, more than 34 million people, including 9 million children, today in the United States are food insecure. Across the country, The Salvation Army operates more than 1,500 food pantries, and annually serves more than 171 million meals, which includes prepared meals and some 6.4 million food boxes that contain 20 meals each. To help set the table for this series on hunger and food insecurity, we’re talking today with Captain Angel Amézquita, the Corps Officer and director of the Los Angeles Central Corps and Red Shield Community Center, located in the heart of LA’s Pico-Union neighborhood. EPISODE SHOWNOTES: Read more. BE AFFIRMED. Get the Good Words email series. WHAT’S YOUR CAUSE? Take our quiz. STUDY SCRIPTURE. Get inside the collection. BE INSPIRED. Follow us on Instagram. FIGHT FOR GOOD. Give to The Salvation Army.
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